
尝别补谤苍颈苍驳听听听听听听 with us

At 麻豆传媒, a love of learning is central to our ethos. Inside our nurseries, you鈥檒l find carefully curated learning environments designed to support and extend children鈥檚 knowledge, skills, understanding, and confidence.

We鈥檝e developed our own 麻豆传媒 Curriculum that is as unique as the children who attend our
nurseries. Our flexible approach embraces this, allowing each child to reach their full potential at their own pace and in their own time.

Our curriculum focuses on five threads that cover the key areas of early learning. We support this learning through rich and stimulating activities, books, songs, and rhymes.

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Connections &

We encourage children to develop their social skills and begin to form meaningful relationships.

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Confidence &

We focus on developing children's communication and language skills so they learn how to express themselves.

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Mind &

Our educators support children in their physical and emotional development.

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World &

Children learn to embrace the world around them and celebrate their uniqueness.

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Skills &

Children will acquire the knowledge, skills, and experiences needed for lifelong learning.

贵辞辞诲听听听听听听for thought

Encouraging children to eat a healthy balanced diet and understand why it鈥檚 important for them is central to our nutritional approach.

In our nurseries, mealtimes become a social occasion, bringing children together for family-style dining. Children explore new tastes, learn new skills and develop independent feeding. Our nursery teams also use mealtimes as an opportunity to develop children鈥檚 understanding about where their healthy and delicious food comes from.聽

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All our meals are cooked on-site using locally sourced produce where possible.

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Mealtimes at 麻豆传媒 are varied and catered to suit all dietary needs.

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Children often have the chance to grow fruit and vegetables in our gardens or help our chefs with food preparation.

Healthy 听听听听听 and happy

We鈥檙e committed to making sure children and families feel healthy and happy during their story with us.

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Recognising emotions

In our nurseries, we encourage children to understand and recognise their emotions, teaching them to express their feelings and manage behaviours. Our dedicated approach to emotional literacy helps guide children to form better relationships, both with their peers and adults.

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Safe spaces

Children learn and develop within the safety of our nurseries and with our trained nursery teams. Our educators are experienced with the early years curriculum and have a proficient understanding of child development, supporting each other daily to provide the best possible care.

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Check their progress

Our online communication platform means you can stay updated on your child鈥檚 learning story and enjoy snippets of our fun and meaningful nursery activities. Your nursery team are also on hand to discuss your child鈥檚 progress, particularly at our dedicated parent evenings.

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Healthy living

Healthy children are happy children. Each of our nurseries provide access to dedicated outdoor spaces, supporting children鈥檚 physical development and their understanding of the natural world. Children also learn the importance of oral health and develop healthy hygiene habits.

Valued 听听听听听 as individuals

We understand that every child is different with their own individual stories to tell, which is why our nurseries are non-selective and inclusive, valuing children for who they are.

When your child joins us they will have their own key person at every stage of their early years story, right up to preparing them for school. This relationship is central and meaningful to both you and your child throughout their time with us, allowing them to feel safe, supported and confident.

Your key person and key team will get to know your child and plan thought-provoking activities and learning experiences based on their individual needs. The team will also use our online learning journals to share photos with you and celebrate your child鈥檚 progress.

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